Expert PPC Consulting to Help You Get Great Results!
If you need more leads or ecommerce sales, we have expert consultants ready to help!
Our team of ppc marketing experts have the experience, certifications and track record to help you grow your brand. We can help with 1 on 1 consulting, customized training, and teach workshops.
We offer consulting packages, hourly based training or onsite workshops. Our clients typically will select 1 of 3 consulting packages based upon 3, 6 or 10 months of hands on training. Customized to the specific needs and goals of your company and employees. We will prioritize your consulting based on what drives the most performance and teach you how to optimize revenue and grow sales.
Based on our free assessment we can help identify what is broken, missing and/or areas that you need help. Or if you already know what your goals are, we would like to talk. Call us now or read below to see ways we can help your company grow.
WATCH THIS Video – Online Shopping In Real Life
Sessions 1- 3: Infrastructure, Setup & Best Practices
Session 1 – Data Integrity
The most important part of any business is making sure that you have fuel in the tank, or cash in the bank account. Your tracking system is the most important aspect of your business and should be the very first component planned in your business model. That is because you can not manage what you do not measure. Sadly, most companies never get their tracking correct and they have no idea where the holes are in their sales funnel. This results in the loss of opportunities to harvest the low hanging fruit and prevents the feedback required to increase sales. In Session 1, we will audit and review your marketing, sales and accounting tracking systems to insure accuracy and data integrity.
Session 2 – User Experience
If your customer’s user experience is poor, marketing and sales results will also be. One change to your website or marketing campaign could make or break the bank. However, it is rare that you will know which page to change or which campaign needs to be optimized. By analyzing your customers user experience, we can help you increase sales by building a better, more effective sales funnel.
Session 3 – Best Practices
Industry, marketing, sales & technology best practices are best practices for a reason; they work! However, many best practices are designed to work in silos. Our certified consultants will review your business, marketing, sales and technology to insure that not only the individual components have best practices, but that the combined components result in an overall best practice for your specific needs.
We will show you exactly what the best practices are, how to execute and we will even perform Quality Assurance inspections to make sure you are setup correctly, the first time.
Marketing is important but should not be executed prior to ensuring you have data integrity, a great user experience and best practices. Without those first 3 components, your marketing will mostly likely fail.
Sessions 4-6: Marketing Strategy & Execution Training
Session 4: PPC
Pay per click advertising is great for most companies, but for others it will not work. Before you spend 1 dollar on PPC, you must ensure that you have the proper setup. Without proper account and campaign setup you will lose time, money, and customers.
Session 5: SEO
Don’t do search engine optimization until you have first A/B tested your keywords to ensure they bring website visitors that convert into paying customers. On average, 97% of your keywords will bring traffic to your website that will not buy. Once you have identified the 3% of your keywords that your paying customers use, then SEO as fast and wide as possible.
SEO is complicated, but there are easy ways to increase organic traffic rankings and boost website traffic in the normal everyday execution of your business. When you can integrate SEO as part of your operating process, the results are superior to outsourcing. To be able to integrate SEO in your business model, you need a strategist and business consultant to provide the assessment, plan, and measurement to ensure you get results.
Session 6: Conversion Optimization
The most important metric to determine the success of your marketing campaigns is the conversion rate. It is more important than how many links you have. It is more important than getting more visitors to your site. The conversion rate is the make-or-break metric that always determines success or failure.
Optimization of the conversion rate doesn’t happen by chance or through shotgun marketing. We will help you identify your customer profiles, create segments of high, medium and low conversion rate sources and then create a Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) strategy. CRO is performed by A/B testing. See Session 7: A/B Testing
Sessions 7-10: Validation, Growth & Scaling
Session 7: A/B Testing
A/B testing is simple in concept but can be very difficult to execute. It should be executed the same way taught in elementary school following the scientific method. To be a true conversion optimization scientist, you do not have to perform in a lab, it can be deployed quickly through online technology.
Session 8: Team Structure, Responsibilities & Execution
Do you have the correct team, assigned responsibilities and have an executable process to grow your business? It takes 7 different expertise to execute marketing and increase results. Most companies only have 3 of the 7 and therefore they struggle to obtain meaningful results.
Session 9: Business Model Analysis
Do the numbers work? Making a profit is simple math. Hitting your target profit margin is complicated. We have the tools and spreadsheets to ensure that you know profitability, the holes in your funnel, where you are losing profit, and the specific actions you need to take to improve your business model. Our process will help you track every penny and attribute the cost or the revenue back to the keyword, ad and page. This will ensure you build a profitable business model.
Session 10: Optimizing the Business
Sessions 1-9 are the building blocks. In session 10, we bring everything together and help you start growing your business. In this order you need to be optimizing: keywords, ads, pages. Next, your 3 P’s: People, Process and Product. We will show you exactly what that means, how to do it.